चिन्मस्तिका देवी: Devi Chhinnamasta

  चिन्मस्तिका देवी का स्वरूप चिन्मस्तिका देवी का स्वरूप अद्भुत और असामान्य है। उनके इस अद्वितीय रूप का गहरा आध्यात्मिक और प्रतीकात्मक महत्व है। मस्तक का स्वयं बलिदान: देवी ने अपने ही मस्तक को काटकर उसे हाथ में थाम रखा है। उनके गले से तीन धाराओं में रक्त प्रवाहित हो रहा है, जो जीवन, मृत्यु और पुनर्जन्म का प्रतीक है। तीन रक्त की धाराएँ: पहली धारा देवी के मुख में जा रही है। अन्य दो धाराएँ उनके दोनों सहायकों या दासियों के मुख में जा रही हैं, जो तृप्ति और भक्ति का प्रतीक हैं। कमल पर खड़े रहना: देवी एक विशाल कमल के फूल पर खड़ी हैं, जो ब्रह्मांडीय चेतना और शुद्धता का प्रतीक है। शिव पर खड़े रहना: देवी अपने चरणों से भगवान शिव के शरीर पर खड़ी हैं, जो जड़ता (passivity) और शक्ति (energy) के सामंजस्य को दर्शाता है। आभूषण और माला: उनके गले में नरमुंडों की माला और शरीर पर साधारण आभूषण हैं, जो जीवन की क्षणभंगुरता और मृत्यु की अपरिहार्यता को दर्शाते हैं। दासी रूप में संगिनी: उनके दोनों ओर उनकी सहायक दासियाँ हैं, जो उनके दिव्य बल और शक्ति में सहयोगी हैं। पौराणिक कथा और महत्व चिन्मस्तिका देवी के इस र...


Agrasen Maharaja

Agrasen was a legendary Indian king (Maharaja) of Agroha, a city of traders. The Agrawal and Agrahari communities claim descent from him. He is credited with the establishment of a kingdom of traders in North India named Agroha, and is known for his compassion in refusing to slaughter animals in yajnas.
The Government of India issued a postage stamp in honour of Maharaja Agresen in 1976.

Agrasen divided his kingdom among his 18 children, resulting in eighteen Agrawal gotras. Often, the number of gotras is stated to be seventeen. [5] Another version suggests that Agrasen proceeded to conduct 18 mahayajnas ("Great yajnas"). During one such yajna, Agrasen noticed that a horse that had been brought to be sacrificed was trying hard to get away from the sacrificial altar. Seeing this Maharaj Agrasen was filled with compassion for the animal. The idea of ahimsa (non-violence) grabbed his mind. Therefore, he put a brake to his eighteenth yajna, announcing that no sacrifices will be made in his kingdom in name of yajnas. Thus, the eighteenth yajna wasn't completed and Agrasen had performed seventeen and a half yajnas. The gods appeared before him and blessed him with seventeen and a half gotras.[9]
In the later part of his life, Agrasen nominated his eldest son Vibhu to the throne and took up the Vanaprastha ashram. Gradually, the city of Agroha declined and was finally destroyed in a huge fire. The residents of Agroha i.e. the Agrawals moved out of Agroha and spread in other parts of India.
It is believed that King Agrasen married Madhavi, daughter of King Kumud of Nagaloka (Snake Kingdom). Thus Agrawals are the progeny of Madhavi and that is why they worship Nagas (snakes) and consider them to be their maternal uncles.
Following are the seventeen and a half gotras of Agrawals:
  1. Garg
  2. Bansal
  3. Bindal
  4. Bhandal
  5. Dharan (clan)
  6. Airan
  7. Goyal
  8. Goyan (half gotra)
  9. Jindal
  10. Singhal
  11. Kansal
  12. Kucchal Agrahari
  13. Madhukul
  14. Mangal
  15. Mittal
  16. Nangal
  17. Tayal
  18. Tingle
Agrawals are basically a commercial community or Vaishyas. They are one of the most respectable and enterprising of mercantile tribes. Two of Emperor Akbar’s famous ministers are said to have been Agrawals, viz, Todarmal who introduced an assessment of land, and Madhushah, who introduced ‘Madhushahi’ pice.
