चिन्मस्तिका देवी: Devi Chhinnamasta

  चिन्मस्तिका देवी का स्वरूप चिन्मस्तिका देवी का स्वरूप अद्भुत और असामान्य है। उनके इस अद्वितीय रूप का गहरा आध्यात्मिक और प्रतीकात्मक महत्व है। मस्तक का स्वयं बलिदान: देवी ने अपने ही मस्तक को काटकर उसे हाथ में थाम रखा है। उनके गले से तीन धाराओं में रक्त प्रवाहित हो रहा है, जो जीवन, मृत्यु और पुनर्जन्म का प्रतीक है। तीन रक्त की धाराएँ: पहली धारा देवी के मुख में जा रही है। अन्य दो धाराएँ उनके दोनों सहायकों या दासियों के मुख में जा रही हैं, जो तृप्ति और भक्ति का प्रतीक हैं। कमल पर खड़े रहना: देवी एक विशाल कमल के फूल पर खड़ी हैं, जो ब्रह्मांडीय चेतना और शुद्धता का प्रतीक है। शिव पर खड़े रहना: देवी अपने चरणों से भगवान शिव के शरीर पर खड़ी हैं, जो जड़ता (passivity) और शक्ति (energy) के सामंजस्य को दर्शाता है। आभूषण और माला: उनके गले में नरमुंडों की माला और शरीर पर साधारण आभूषण हैं, जो जीवन की क्षणभंगुरता और मृत्यु की अपरिहार्यता को दर्शाते हैं। दासी रूप में संगिनी: उनके दोनों ओर उनकी सहायक दासियाँ हैं, जो उनके दिव्य बल और शक्ति में सहयोगी हैं। पौराणिक कथा और महत्व चिन्मस्तिका देवी के इस र...


Worth passing on

War is a cruel business & war fighters need to be tough - psychologically more than physically. A weak person will desert the combat zone or even kill himself to escape hardship.
Training is similarly tough, even inhuman at times to prepare for war.
My course mate, during 40 Km endurance march with 25 kg load during commando training school in Belgaum, fractured his shin. He was found crawling the route, refusing to give up & get in the ambulance. He was forcibly evacuated to the hospital. Another friend was shot in north Kashmir, lost his AK 47. He still killed the militant with his pistol, ran 5 km to the military hospital with two jawans accompanying him & collapsed at the gate. He is alive & still serving today.
The armed forces provide you with the freedom to browse the net, question our methods, demand jallikattu on marina. Our methods have kept this nation safe, enabled freedom & development.
That same freedom & development, is now being used to defame us. It is like demolishing the first floor, because one has reached the 10th floor.
Our work is dirty, ugly, bloody & painful. A sane man in his senses will never rush a machine gun post. Our world is bad- so that your world, where our family also lives, may prosper.
Let us run our world as required because your world has no one to RUN it; they will only RUIN it. We can join you anytime, you can't join us here.
There is a concerted effort by foreign owned media to weaken the armed forces. Do not play into their hands. Pak is waging the 5th war against India through social media- & winning due to our own unsuspecting countrymen. Their army is incapable of facing us. So, like Arjun in Mahabharata, they are using our own countrymen like Shikhandi to harm us. Even our own PM criticized our soldiers who opened fire on three men in a car who did not stop at Check Post in J&K. The soldiers were Court Martialed. That emboldened the local goons to hit armed CRPF jawans deployed on polling duty and to humiliate them. Dear PM do you realise the implications of your actions? Military operations are different from Shakha operations! This is not against you personally, this is the pain & frustration I feel as a soldier.
Our discipline & redressal system is the best. Take any scam - Tehelka to Adsrsh to VVIP helicopter deal. Only the military persons have been punished. Can you name any bureaucrat or politician? Was the IAF chief alone so capable to initiate the scam?
We have never ever failed you even once- from 1948 to 1999 except in 1962 when we were let down by Nehru due to his ego problems. From NE to J&K. From tsunami to floods to earthquake to.... We have held up the pants off every govt & every govt dept. Tell me one dept that can replace us even for an hour?
I rest my case with the following quote
"A soldier doesn't fight because he hates the enemy in front. He fights because he loves the countrymen behind him"
Ask yourself my countrymen - are you behind us....  Or after us ?????
Source by: internet

