चिन्मस्तिका देवी: Devi Chhinnamasta

  चिन्मस्तिका देवी का स्वरूप चिन्मस्तिका देवी का स्वरूप अद्भुत और असामान्य है। उनके इस अद्वितीय रूप का गहरा आध्यात्मिक और प्रतीकात्मक महत्व है। मस्तक का स्वयं बलिदान: देवी ने अपने ही मस्तक को काटकर उसे हाथ में थाम रखा है। उनके गले से तीन धाराओं में रक्त प्रवाहित हो रहा है, जो जीवन, मृत्यु और पुनर्जन्म का प्रतीक है। तीन रक्त की धाराएँ: पहली धारा देवी के मुख में जा रही है। अन्य दो धाराएँ उनके दोनों सहायकों या दासियों के मुख में जा रही हैं, जो तृप्ति और भक्ति का प्रतीक हैं। कमल पर खड़े रहना: देवी एक विशाल कमल के फूल पर खड़ी हैं, जो ब्रह्मांडीय चेतना और शुद्धता का प्रतीक है। शिव पर खड़े रहना: देवी अपने चरणों से भगवान शिव के शरीर पर खड़ी हैं, जो जड़ता (passivity) और शक्ति (energy) के सामंजस्य को दर्शाता है। आभूषण और माला: उनके गले में नरमुंडों की माला और शरीर पर साधारण आभूषण हैं, जो जीवन की क्षणभंगुरता और मृत्यु की अपरिहार्यता को दर्शाते हैं। दासी रूप में संगिनी: उनके दोनों ओर उनकी सहायक दासियाँ हैं, जो उनके दिव्य बल और शक्ति में सहयोगी हैं। पौराणिक कथा और महत्व चिन्मस्तिका देवी के इस र...


‘Winters can Aggravate Osteoarthritis Pain’


‘Winters can Aggravate Osteoarthritis Pain’

For those suffering from arthritis winters means a hard long battle tackling daily aches, pains and dealing with a subsequent increase in discomfort.

Dr Anil Abrol, Consultant Rheumatologist,  Fortis Hospital, Mohali, in a advisory in winter care for such patients said, Most common reasons for this flare are, drop in atmospheric pressure causing tissue swelling, increased sensitivity of pain receptors in winters, decreased blood circulation to peripheries, more muscle spasms due to cold and sedentary lifestyle.

What we normally identify as ‘joint pain’ is most commonly diagnosed as arthritis, and it could be any of the over 100 kinds that are known. It not only causes pain, swelling/stiffness of joints, tissues around joints but can also affect eyes, heart, kidneys, lungs and skin.

Elaborating on how to get relief in winters, the doctor said, one should ensure to keep extremities and other arthritis prone areas warm and cosy. He said there is a need for adequate hydration as even mild dehydration increases sensitivity to pain.

Dr. Abrol said, Vitamin D and calcium rich diet and supplementation if needed as per specialists advice. Omega -3 fatty acid rich foods have proven to reduce inflammation. Dietary strategy to avoid weight gain. He advised that staying active and regular exercise- promotes joint flexibility and also helps in keeping them lubricated. Such patients should exercise indoors in order to avoid winter chill.

Osteoarthritis being the most common with peak incidence around 60 yrs of age. About 80 per cent population above 65 years suffers from osteoarthritis. Around 2/3rd of patients with arthritis are younger than 65 years. More commonly seen in women as compared to men. Obesity and smoking have been identified as risk factors for arthritis. Long exposure to stress can cause alteration in the immune system, which causes increased vulnerability to the disease”, he said, adding that one should avoid self-medication as it leads to delay in treatment and adverse effects.

“There is a ‘Window of Opportunity’ when the disease is in its early stage. It’s important to catch arthritis in this stage for a good prognosis. It is believed that if treatment is started during this time frame i.e. within 12 weeks of the onset of symptoms, joint damage can be avoided or lessened and disease remission can be achieved”, said Dr. Abrol.

Early and tightly controlled treatment with disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs or a combination with biologics (special injections for arthritis) is the key. These suppress inflammation, improve functional activity and minimize joint damage. Complete remission of the disease is possible if the patient takes treatment from the specialist – i.e. a rheumatologist. Osteoarthritis needs milder medications in early stages. However surgical modalities are inevitable in case of joint destruction, he concluded.

